Everyone wants nice roads, bridges, and sidewalks, but getting people collectively to agree to fund those projects is always difficult. Our infrastructure norms call for efficient waste removal and well-functioning sewer systems, but many towns in the state have sewers collapsing and lines 100 or more years old that can no longer handle the volume of waste towns are producing. We need access to reliable cell service and quality internet, and yet the towns that need it most keep getting overlooked while other towns get upgrades. Infrastructure is, honestly, one of the least attractive political topics. It also seems to stir a lot of controversy. The amount of banter on Facebook over things like the Walmart Pothole (if you know, you know) to the Cottage Street sidewalks, to complaints when the work is actively happening to rectify infrastructure issues. It's a whirlwind that seems like no one can be happy about. But, and this is a big but, BUT, we need to take care of our public systems.